My mother use to tell me this, and I truly believe that most creatives miss the mark by failing to plan. It's hard work, not pretty, and is only noticed when the end product fails to meet expectations. A great plan comes from searching, listening, thinking, and then executing.
Searching happens long before we start working together, searching is happening now. Searching as the first step might sound weird, but always searching for creative ideas and inspiration will help once a problem is presented. This is the key to being truly creative. Searching for all and any creative ideas then categorizing them always new ideas to be brought to the table quickly. Keeping a categorized list at hand helps bring your content to life, with the best idea.
Active listening brings out the best in the story. Listening to the customers needs helps the end content become the very best it can be. The Process doesn't start with telling you what you need, but with listening to what you need, and partnering with you.
After listening to your goals, it's time to create a custom plan of action for your project. This gives you an idea of the creative direction, with plenty of time to tweak the plan before execution which makes everything clear for all parties involved for the best working relationship.
Now its time to get to work. The story is ready to be told, the plan is set, and it's time to get to work!