This stage breaks down into two phases and typically takes the longest. In the event of an influx of interested clients, the following information could be produced into an introductory 3-5 minute web video.
Phase 1 is the Creative Questionnaire (LINK). Commercial film endeavors are expensive but can yield great results. In order to optimize the return on investment, we want to help the client put as much thought as possible into the project. We aid this process from the outset by providing the Creative Questionnaire to guide their thinking about audience, goals and objectives, corporate or personal style, their story, and general messaging and branding. This allows us to provide more tailored creative concepts and more consistent client results.
Phase 2 is the Creative Idea. Here, we take all the information the client provides in the Creative Questionnaire and provide three options or creative concepts. This is also the stage at which we will select a director whose style matches that of the client. All proposed creative concepts will be within budget parameters that have already been discussed, but the director may provide additional concept choices that could exceed that budget to provide the client with additional options, if he or she believes that might be beneficial.
Once the idea is selected, it will be thoroughly developed through script(s), storyboard(s), and other pre-visualization aids. Changes at this point are relatively cheap; but once this stage is signed off for production, further changes can be very expensive.
This category is typically the most expensive but takes the least amount of time because most directorial decisions have already been made during pre-production.
Production is where we begin to bring the project to life. We hire the crew, actors and actresses, artists, secure locations, and make other logistical arrangements. Then we “shoot the script” by filming the scenes and/or beginning animations.
This category is just as important as production and can also take a significant amount of time because it’s when all the disparate elements come together to become a finished story.
Post-production is where all the scenes are edited together, we add in the motion graphics and title work, add in visual effects, compose music, and master the audio before running it through final color grading and finishing. The end result is a cohesive story about your product, brand or service.
We encourage each client to have a high-level of involvement in the development of their project. While we provide the professional service, the client ultimately determines that the film accurately communicates their message.