For the last year the seniors at MMA have lead their underclassmen with dignity and honor. Learning what it takes to succeed and be leaders. At the 2014 Change of Command these seniors will be moving on, but they will be passing the leadership to the next generation. The seniors will graduate a changed person, ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead. They have been molded through the community they were apart of and are well equipped future leaders in our world, this is something that sets them apart These two creative ideas are based around the idea that "Leaders Are Molded Through Community".
Promo Video Creative Ideas:
Idea 1:
This is a family idea, the idea that the MMA is a large family. It starts with a mother getting the kids dressed, an older man getting ready, a MMA getting ready in their dorm. They all end up being related and converge on the 2014 MMA Change of Command ceremony.
Idea 2:
This is an individual idea, visually showing that the MMA is made up of parts that come together for a common good. Shooting a variety of people getting ready up to the moment of them leaving. An older man, a husband/wife, a female MMA cadet as well as a male cadet. Ending with them all ready for the big day.
Promo Video Motion Style Guide: TBA
Event Overview:
For the event overview we would like to bring up the production value this year. By adding parts of speeches, one or two graduate interviews, and an interview with the commanding officer to guide viewers through what they are seeing and give them context to the day.
Event Overview Motion Style Guide: