The bright light of Vine started out in 2013 and quickly made our friends “internet” famous 6 seconds at a time…. by 2016 that flame was gone. The app disappeared from public use, the influence, and some of the influencers, along with it. What caused such rabid adoption of yet another social platform? What does it say about us and our culture, and what happened to the people impacted by it’s rise and fall? When you are part of the Maze it takes a drastic event to realize there is a world outside the Maze. That doesn’t make the Maze bad or wrong, but while in the Maze we can get caught up and fail to see the big picture. Three years later what can be learned by this? Have the people that were the center of this turned out better or worse? What life lessons can we all take away from Vine? What can this accidental social experiment tell us about the Maze we all still live in?
LOGLINE: Humans crave interactions, what those interactions look like matters.
“Tech on its own isn’t that important. enjoy your work, but be honest about your intention. is your intention to affect the world for the greater good or to affect yourself for your own good? if it’s the latter, no problem, but think hard about when it’s time to slow down and live”