Capture every location in a wide (locked off) and drone looking down. This will allow for a beginning or end split screen of all the locations for a nice bookend. Text/gfx/animations can play over if needed.
When filming, think of in-camera transitions. Example: Film someone smiling then pan or tilt FAST in camera that will connect to another shot. Think transitions at the beginning of a shot as well.
“Beats by Dre” Effect:
LINK to FCPX Effect Plugin
Santa Monica (Early Morning, could be sunset. Depending on how location faces)
Wipe/pan/tilt transition to a wide of the store. (allowing for any GFX needed for messaging)
Push in on Ordering window. Diverse family ordering.
Smiles (Associate and family)
Follow Chick Fil A bag as it's handed to a customer. (Beats by Dre effect) They get into a car.
Cut to top down car leaving (Drone) that matches to Food Truck's first shot. Could be a split screen or hard cut match cut.
Food Truck (Daytime)
Top down following it driving city (Drone). Was thinking Edgewood ave. Daytime.
Follow a chicken sandwich inside being made. (handheld)
Follow Chick Fil A bag as it's handed to a customer. (Beats by Dre effect)
Profile shot of food truck moving (stabilized head) that would turn into a split screen or wipe with someone arriving at another location. (allowing for any GFX needed for messaging) Daytime. (Beats by Dre effect)
Location Under Construction (Daytime)
Follow from behind with someone, with Chick Fil A Logo on back. (Beats by Dre effect)
Inspection of location?
Construction item that wipes screen (lumber, truck, can be anything)
Stadium Location (Mercedes Benz) (Evening)
Cheering on your team (was thinking soccer, could be football). Dad with son? Hispanic? (Keep small, don't show field or a lot of fans in background to limit BG needed)
Mobile ordering while in seats during game?
Dad and son smiling while ordering.
Dad and son getting their order. Follow Chick Fil A bag as it's handed to them. (Beats by Dre effect)
Time Lapse during an actual event to show a large amount of people?
Athens, Ga (Blue hour)
Someone arriving by bike that has a basket, to downtown Athens, Ga location.
Wide of arrival (allowing for any text graphics needed for messaging)
Smiling associate.
Handing Chick Fil A bag to customer. (Beats by Dre effect)
Bag being put in bike basket. (Beats by Dre effect)
Customer profile as they are riding. (stabilized head) (Beats by Dre effect) Wipe takes us to Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, NY (Blue Hour/EARLY morning) 37th and 6th Location
Arrival of associate to store.
Putting on apron
High-fiving other associates.
Time Lapse of cars and people passing by store.
Handing Chick Fil A bag to customer, a couple. (Beats by Dre effect)